
Projects and objects in my garden

I have a small garden. It is filled with objects that I bought in antique markets. They remind me of my childhood summer holidays spent with my aunts at a small village. I was very happy there.

My aunts were not wealthy, but had big hearts. In their house they didn't have runnig tap water, but had a well in the garden. Each day they filled the washbasin with water for handwash and pans for cooking. The washbasin was also our "bathtub" in the evenings, it was filled with hot water and we used sponge to wash ourselves. And it all happened in their tiny kitchen.

My sis and I were left with our aunts for weeks during summer holidays, as our parents had to work, and we had almost 3 month of holiday when we went to school. We didn't have a lot of toys that time, so we sat a lot of times on the staircase in front of the house and played with flowers. If you turn a flowerhead upside-down, then you'll have a princess in the most beautiful dress.

This is a washbasin I bought that reminds me of those summer holidays...

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